New Dog Law in Los Angeles County Gives Animal Control Officers Third Party Judging Power

An ordinance was approved, in Los Angeles County, on Tuesday that will give animal control officers sole authority when presiding over administrative hearings, and in declaring dogs — a danger to society.

This new law will give animal control officers the right to determine whether a dog should be euthanized, and the ability to judge them vicious. The change to Title 10 will go into effect August 31. Continue reading

Walk Score Rates Los Angeles Neighborhoods

Alright Los Angelenos, the theory is that no body walks in L.A, but is that necessarily true?
Yes, everything is Los Angeles is 20 minutes away especially if you live in downtown. The accessibility to freeways is endless. Name a freeway, and there’s an interchange not too far away. Continue reading

National Night Out 2011

National Night Out 2011 will be held August 2, throughout communities across the nation with an aim to educate, bring together, and heighten awareness of local crime and drug prevention.

The 28th annual event will bring together neighborhood organizations, law enforcement agencies, businesses, and local officials in over 15,000 communities across the nation for a meet and greet that not only builds a stronger community but puts a human face on the agencies that protect us.

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Should the Judicial System Embrace Technology?

With the growth of social media and the communication barrier getting smaller everyday, there’s a discrepancy in how we receive and exchange information.

A few years ago, say about 5 years ago, the growth of social media, web technology, and it’s access to the masses was still in it’s infancy. Remember it was only 6 years ago that Youtube was founded, and it was only 4 years ago that we were able to see clear streaming video in our phones. Continue reading