Have a DUI Free Holiday Season

At last, the countdown to Christmas is finally winding down and the day is finally here. We all know that the Holiday season is for spreading merriment and enjoying the Holidays with family, friends and loved ones.

It is also a time that the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department is in full force making sure people are driving safely and enjoying the Holiday season by abiding the law. As office Christmas parties and family potlucks take full swing it’s important to keep in mind that if you are drinking it’s best to either call a cab, designate a driver, or call a friend.   Continue reading

House of Bail Bonds Inc. Releases Original Video of Little Tokyo Mugging

House of Bail Bonds Inc. had an LAPD officer come into our office last week asking us if we had seen anything strange from our camera surveillance video. There had been an alleged mugging right outside our 1st street office, in Little Tokyo.

After having our IT department extract the video, we found that there was an indeed a mugging right on 1st street feet away from the Starbucks on Los Angeles, and inches away from our office. Continue reading

New Dog Law in Los Angeles County Gives Animal Control Officers Third Party Judging Power

An ordinance was approved, in Los Angeles County, on Tuesday that will give animal control officers sole authority when presiding over administrative hearings, and in declaring dogs — a danger to society.

This new law will give animal control officers the right to determine whether a dog should be euthanized, and the ability to judge them vicious. The change to Title 10 will go into effect August 31. Continue reading

No Red Light Camera Enforcement?

Red-light cameras have been under heavy criticism since implemented in the city of Los Angeles. Monday, a city panel voted to phase out the system. 32 cameras will be shut down on a date to be announced.

Everybody loves the safety they promise until they are caught by what they thought was an innocent rolling stop. California courts have ruled red-light cameras constitutional although 8 states prohibit them. Despite the cameras best efforts to photograph both vehicle identification and the driver — the owner of the vehicle alone is responsible. Much like a parking ticket, such a ticket is considered an infraction, not a criminal offense.  What does that mean for car owners? Simple. Many just disregard the ticket. Continue reading

Graffiti as Art or Vandalism?

Having our headquarters near the downtown Los Angeles Arts District it is hard not to run into some kind of graffiti. But is graffiti really vandalism or self expression?

In a place like, the Los Angeles Arts District, art (or expression) is highly encouraged, and there’s not one nook that goes unscathed, or for lack of a better word bombed. What used to be the Warehouse District has turned into an environment that hones artists’ display of art in every alleyway, and every building. The beautification of a neighborhood that use to look war torn can be highly attributed to one; the local leadership of the community, and secondly; local artist that have contributed and continue to contribute throughout the entire district. Continue reading