Walk Score Rates Los Angeles Neighborhoods

Alright Los Angelenos, the theory is that no body walks in L.A, but is that necessarily true?
Yes, everything is Los Angeles is 20 minutes away especially if you live in downtown. The accessibility to freeways is endless. Name a freeway, and there’s an interchange not too far away. Continue reading

No Red Light Camera Enforcement?

Red-light cameras have been under heavy criticism since implemented in the city of Los Angeles. Monday, a city panel voted to phase out the system. 32 cameras will be shut down on a date to be announced.

Everybody loves the safety they promise until they are caught by what they thought was an innocent rolling stop. California courts have ruled red-light cameras constitutional although 8 states prohibit them. Despite the cameras best efforts to photograph both vehicle identification and the driver — the owner of the vehicle alone is responsible. Much like a parking ticket, such a ticket is considered an infraction, not a criminal offense.  What does that mean for car owners? Simple. Many just disregard the ticket. Continue reading

History of the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department

As a first installment in a string of post about the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department’s founding. We’re going to bring you a little background information about life in Los Angeles at the start of the gold rush, and how the west elected it’s first sheriff. Continue reading

New Discipline Policy will let Los Angeles Police Officers off with a Warning

A new discipline policy within the LAPD will allow officers to be let off without punishment given it’s their first offense. Police Officers being above the law is a notion completely open to interpretation; although, a multitude of examples may prove otherwise we have to trust that our city’s police department is working for the greater good, and most importantly our safety.

The new discipline philosophy will let officers get off with a warning if it’s not a violent crime. Continue reading